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MS Project Tip - More than one resource in graph

The resource chart in Microsoft Project is a useful way of seeing how the resources on your project are loaded, but by default it only shows one resource at a time. This is not adequate when you want to see how the project as a whole is resourced. Unfortunately, the method to set it to show all resources is not easy to discover. In fact I'd been using Project for a couple of years before someone showed me how to do it (Thanks Adrian!). So to make things a little easier, here is how to show more than one resource in the resource graph view.

  • From the window menu select "split"
  • Select the top pane by clicking in it somewhere. You know it is selected because the bar on the far left containing the name of the view turns darker.
  • Go to the view menu and select any view which has resources - task usage, resource usage and the resource sheet are probably the most useful.
  • Select the bottom pane by clicking on it somewhere.
  • Go to the view menu and select the resource graph view.
  • Right click on the resource graph area on the right.
  • From the menu that pops up choose "Format Barstyles"
  • On the left half of the dialog box that appears (the part marked "Selected Resources") set the "Show as:" to be anything other than "Don't Show".
  • Click OK until you are back to where you started.
  • Now select resources or tasks with resources in the top pane and the chart for all of those selected resources will be shown in the bottom pane.
  • This tip works for Project 98, 2000, 2002, 2003 and likely future versions.


    Comments (3)


    Having trouble using this in the Task Usage View. I can select a task with multiple resources or select each individual resource assigned to that task and the graph only shows the selected resource. There doesn't appear to be a summarization of all the resources either selected or assigned to the task. Am I missing something?


    this post was fantastic, i spent 3 hours trying to ask project how to do it ... what a stupid answer, trust MS to be like that, its in the last place youd expect it to be - but worse, you cannot get project to tell you how to do it easily


    I'm just beginner of Ms project 2010. But I have experience in Primavera P6 software. For resource usage graph in P6 I can generate both early and late date data and curves. But in Ms Project, I can see only early dates data. So how can I generate late data in Ms Project? Thanks.

    In Project you can only see either Early or Late, but not both at the same time. To show late, go to the Project menu, select Project Information and choose to schedule tasks from the end of the project instead of the beginning. -Jack

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