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"They're used to teach people that there's no God, and they're used to brainwash people," he said. "Evolutionists get very upset when we use dinosaurs. That's their star."

Seems that these
concrete dinosaurs

are now being used as missionaries.
"We like to think of [dinosaurs] as creation lizards, or missionary lizards," said Frank Sherwin, a museum researcher and author.

The claim being that dinosaurs co-existed with man and were vegetarian up until the time Eve bit the apple. Then things got ugly. I'm wondering what "theory" there is for their disappearance... Oh, here it is, the dinosaurs still exist!
Carl Baugh opened his Creation Evidence Museum in the 1980s near Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, Texas, where some people said fossilized dinosaur tracks and human footprints crisscrossed contemporaneously. The Texas museum sponsors a continuing hunt for living pterodactyls in Papua New Guinea. Baugh said five colleagues have spotted the flying dinosaurs, "but all the sightings were made after dark, and we were not able to capture the creatures."

I'm as open-minded as the next person, but I'm having a bit of trouble believing in this chronology. Of course I've been brainwashed since childhood so that may have something to do with it.

Details at this LA Times Article: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-dinosaurs27aug27,0,6894033.story?



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