« Taking the PMP Exam - Part 8 - What is Project Management | Main | Taking the PMP Exam - Part 9 - Areas of Expertise »

No longer N*k*d

Sorry if you see my series of articles about taking the PMP exam show up again. I renamed and republished them after I did a google search and got this result:

The word "n*k*d" has been filtered from the search because Google SafeSearch is active. (I even censored this to keep it from being censored by safesearch)

The word had to go or no one would ever find the articles, well except the intrepid folks who seem to preface almost any noun with that word. Plenty of them showed up. Maybe they will go away now.


Comments (1)


How funny! I went back to the ones I had saved in BlogLines and was totally confused. Now, not soo much! I'm really digging your PMP series, thanks for all the time and effort you put into it.

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The previous article is Taking the PMP Exam - Part 8 - What is Project Management.

The next article is Taking the PMP Exam - Part 9 - Areas of Expertise.

Current articles are in the main index page and you can find a complete list of articles in the archives.

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