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Oh so special!

I got an email today from a "web 2.0" company/thing. I'm not sure what it is that is so annoying about it. The false exclusivity, the permission to blog about it (and the implicit suggestion that you do) or the fake name of the "senior director of community development". Is the world really half full of propaganda or is it half empty? Anyway, here is the note. I've cut off any indentifying labels.

You may notice something special about *doo today.

We have quietly — and completely — moved out of the closed beta test... and into a public beta.

That means that anyone can visit *doo, find lenses, claim lenses, and build their own. We're thrilled to open our doors to the public, and to let everyone use the platform that you've been helping us test and improve these last few weeks.

But we're not going to tell anyone yet.

Except you.

So, now's the time for you to share what you've been working on during the secret beta test. Email your lenses to friends. Post a lens to your blog. Tell your mom. And, for a limited time, your friends will be the only people to know that *doo is finally live.

Thanks for working with us over the past two months. We can't wait to see how the general public responds to what you’ve been building!

Ready. Set. *doo.

Heath Row
Senior Director of Community Development

P.S.: Yes, it's OK to blog about this.

"Secret beta", gack!



The previous article is Elvis Costello.

The next article is More about working with the tasks collection.

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