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Like Piranesi I've always been interested in ruins but the only ruins around here were the ww2 gun emplacements on the headlands. Even the Falstaff brewery (infamous in the early 80's as "the Vats" - a squatter colony) has been converted into office space. So I can only look on in amazement at the variety and scope of modern day ruins in Japan - the result of their bubble economy. The site is in Japanese, but does not need much explanation. Almost every photo series tells the story of a failed attempt at fun and enjoyment. Link: http://home.f01.itscom.net/spiral/research.html



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» Watching from The Blog Critic
Reading about design is usually no substitute for doing it or experiencing the products of good design, but if you are far away from either, then reading may give your thoughts and imagination some room to exercise. DesignObserver is one... [Read More]


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